Mit navn er C.F. Rettrup
Jeg er dansk fantasyforfatter, og Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vehicula leo vel dolor molestie, quis ullamcorper ipsum convallis. Proin vitae eros a risus ullamcorper commodo. Fusce nec ex lectus. Nam sapien est, ultricies id lectus maximus, posuere aliquet ipsum.
Jeg har skrevet bøger på både dansk og engelsk.
No less than 100 non-player characters for use in your favorite tabletop fantasyroleplaying game are included in this fantastic volume!
In tabletop roleplaying games, players frequently explore new worlds or seek outinformation among people they wouldn't expect to find or just happen to meet on their adventurous journeys. Another common occurrence is that an adventure won't have completely developed characters for all the locations that are described for gameplay.
By giving Game Masters the knowledge they need to "fill in the blanks" in their campaign play, Notable (and common) NPCs addresses this problem.
The 100 completely developed non-player characters in this book, each with their own adventure quest to engage the players, will give your campaign immediately depth, color, and variety.
Notable (and common) NPCs
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